Of all the kinds of women I could be, I chose to be The Thinking Woman
Why are we so attached to happy endings? Why does life feel anti-climactic?
Gender For All
Marketing to women needs a massive shift from preying on them to serving them.
Women have been conditioned to talk a certain way, and that has impacted what we talk about. Can the reverse hold true as well?
Can a supermodel who used her body to reach fame be a feminist? I am happily surprised.
How the gaze that follows me everywhere also became my own.
Feminism stands to serve men greatly by telling them that it’s ok to not be masculine all the time. Or not at all.
From The Heart
Why are we so attached to happy endings? Why does life feel anti-climactic?
'I think, therefore I am.’
Descartes’ claim nearly four centuries ago, still holds true today. Perhaps there is no truth as irrefutable as the fact that if one is thinking, one does exist. One could argue that the opposite is as true, with a slight twist - if one does not think, one is not all that one could be.

To read and to think is a precursor to change. As women today, we constantly feel the need for change. How do we bring change?
Through different pieces on varied issues and struggle of the modern woman, I intend to shed light on starting small - just being a better individual - confident and self-assured.

Marketing to women needs a massive shift from preying on them to serving them.