The Thinking Woman is a personal blog with universal relevance. It is a repository of my thoughts, opinions and observations around books, philosophy, feminism and life.
The great thing though? You could be a thinking woman too.
I am a reader, a thinker, a quiet person with a loud mind. My life can be divided into phases, big chunks of them. This phase of my life is the awareness phase. As I become more and more aware of the unyielding arms of patriarchy in our society, arms that allow for no space at all, the result of which is either to crouch or to break free, I choose the latter.
This blog is an amalgamation of all that makes up my life - the books I read and the impact they have over me, be it feminist literature a la Simone De Beauvoir or the fiction of Khaled Hosseini, lessons that I learn in my interactions with people, musings that need to be explored or hypocrisies begging to be called out.
Inherently personal in nature for now, I also dream of The Thinking Woman becoming a movement of sorts in the future. Having had no female role model to shine the light for me, I hope for this blog to become a medium for the exchange of ideas between thinking women of all kinds - a community of mentorship and upliftment.
- Shreya Bothra